Find Our Food

In times of need, finding a reliable source of food is essential for individuals and families facing challenging circumstances.

    Below, you’ll discover various resources and places where you can find food packets from The Outreach Program of Brainerd Lakes to ensure you and your loved ones never go hungry. We provide these meals free of cost, allowing distribution centers to use their funds elsewhere.

      Local area food shelves

      Community meal programs


      After school backpack programs

      Law enforcement and social services

      Church pantries

      Food pantries inside elementary schools, middle schools, high schools

      College campus food pantries

      The meal packets are nutrient dense, including protein, vitamins, and minerals.

      The meals only require 3-8 cups of boiling water to make.

      Our meal packets are great on their own; but imagine what they could become by adding some additional ingredients with our simple recipes.

      Every time you give to The Outreach Program, you’re helping fulfill the mission of feeding hungry families in need. 

      Estate Planning for The Outreach Program of BLA